In Tandem

I Jumped!

From an airplane. It's TRUE. I actually did jump out of a plane. But the "truth" is . . . it was a tandem jump. I went skydiving - but I didn't do it alone. An instructor was strapped to my back with a special harness the whole time. We experienced it together. The scary part was seeing the doorless opening and knowing I had to go first! I inched my way forward and bravely stepped out on the strut of the wing.
There I was . . . legs trembling . . . clothes flapping in the wind . . . trying not to look at the ground two miles below. The instructor positioned himself behind me and gave the word to GO! I pushed off and assumed the "freefall" position. All the while listening and responding to the voice in my ear.

This whole experience enabled me to identify with GOD in a new way regarding steps (or jumps!) of faith. Believing He will do what He says requires trust. And I can't trust Him if I don't know Him. The only way I had the courage to leap into air was because I believed the instructor would be with me. Sure enough . . . when I jumped . . . he was there. Doing the important stuff. Teaching, guiding, pointing out beauty and steering us to the dropzone. He made it all happen but a tandem jump requires "two" and my participation was necessary for the experience. Because of how GOD has chosen to relate with us . . . He can't until we will. I'm able to step out . . . not because of what I see . . . but who I know. The only thing I have is His Presence and His Presence is all I need.

Although I had to get out of the door first that day . . . the instructor had actually prepared the way and made the experience possible long before I showed up. When GOD asks us to walk by faith we can have confidence in His advance provision. He sees and knows the future He has created for us and asks us to step into it . . . in tandem with His Spirit.

Once we touched down . . . my heart was soaring. I wanted to go again! It was an unbelievable and exhilarating experience. My limits, perspective and possibilities had been altered by the presence of another. This opportunity was always available but couldn't take place without my awareness and decision to become harnessed to the instructor. I had to recognize his presence, submit and respond to his guidance, and become a willing participant in the adventure. 

JESUS lived this kind of life and made it possible for us to live it too! He told His disciples it was better for Him to go away because then the Divine Encourager could come . . . the HOLY SPIRIT . . . who would be with us and in us and never leave. The HOLY SPIRIT is joined to our spirit and empowers, imparts, equips, fills, frees, teaches, transforms, guides . . . HE IS THE KEY . . . the secret to a GOD-filled life. This kind of life is adventurous and expectant. In Him . . . we have everything we need. RIGHT NOW. Not off in the future. NO LIMITS. NO LACK. - Unless we focus on ourselves and live from the old way of thinking and being . . . a "do it yourself" life. One that is man-made instead of GOD- filled.

I looked up "in tandem" and the definition means doing something together . . . at the same time. That's what we were made for! Each day is a doorway we can walk through . . . in tandem with His Presence. Some of our business will be in the air . . . some on the ground. Either way our fresh perspective within Him enables us to live "AS ONE" above the trivial and embrace a life of more . . . one with GOD inside.
